The placenta secretes progesterone and estrogen during pregnancy. Progesterone is responsible for th

The placenta secretes progesterone and estrogen during pregnancy. Progesterone is responsible for the following functions:

• maintains the lining of the uterus

• inhibits (interferes with) contractions of the uterus

• inhibits the production and release of eggs

Describe one likely result if the placenta became damaged and could not maintain progesterone levels. Support your answer. [1]

The text above states three functions of progesterone. If placenta is damaged and can not maintain progesterone levels then the uterus lining will not be able to maintained, uterus will start contacting, and eggs will be produced and released. Any of these answers will be correct for the question above.

Explain how the release of additional eggs is prevented during pregnancy. [1]

As the text above states, during pregnancy placenta is formed that secrets progesterone. One of the functions of progesterone is to inhibit the production and release of eggs. Therefore, the release of additional eggs is prevented through the production of progesterone during pregnancy.

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