Midterm exams are here and so is the lack of sleep and time crunch. Many students have a very hard time navigating through the midterms, and know how to prepare for multiple exams at the same time. How should students prepare for midterms and not be too overwhelmed.
Transformation Tutoring is here to share our tips and trick.
1. Make a to do list for every subject. In your list write all the things you want to finish to prepare for your exams well. Include things such as : redo quizzes, finish HW's, practice past exams, redo classwork problems, memorize definitions etc. Practice really prepares you well for the exams. The more different practice you do, the better!
2. Every day make a to do list in the morning incorporating activities from your main list. Cross them out as you complete these tasks and it will give you a great sense of satisfaction!
3. Order the tasks in priority. Make sure to be able to finish the most important tasks in time! Make notes on the problems you got wrong and why. Learn from your mistakes.
4. Give yourself rewards and breaks for accomplished tasks. Take 15 minute breaks after each task. It is not about how many hours your study for but rather how effective your studying is.
5. Form study groups with your peers to make studying most effective. Study groups allow for more practice and there is no better way to learn something than explaining it to your peer. Make sure your study groups are not too large; 3-4 people are an optimal size for a study group.
6. Get a good night sleep the night before every exam. Eat healthy. Try to avoid sugary and high energy drinks, or they will make you crash the day of the exam. Breath and try not to be too overwhelmed. Midterms will pass before you know it!
We hope these tips will help you with the upcoming exams. For more help, we have amazing Chemistry, Biology and Math (all levels including Calculus) tutors available in Brooklyn, NYC and online. Call Transformation Tutoring today at 646-407-9078 and schedule your first tutoring session.